Post by Lidrie*Cui*: effegi
*Cuant*: 30/06/2020 09:07:58
*Ce*: gruppo dedicato thunderbird in
Post by effegiMi serve il gruppo di Mozilla Thunderbird.....
Attenzione con i gruppi mozilla* :
| Mozilla's policy is that their newsgroups aren't supposed to be
| propagated to Usenet. The feed that's supplying our Usenet servers is
| unauthorized and only one way. Nothing that's posted to this
| newsgroup from a Usenet server ever gets propagated to the Mozilla
| server. You need to set up a news account on the
| server, subscribe to this newsgroup there, and ask your question
| there.
| Note that as a new poster there your first post will be held for
| moderator approval. Once your first post is approved, and appears in
| the newsgroup, subsequent posts should appear as soon as they're
| posted.
Luca - e-mail: p.stevens at